Sister S. from AZ.
Hello! This week was so different. It flew by so fast,
but was so amazing. This country still makes me smile every day. We are
loving this work and the sweet gauchos we are serving. This week started with
us in Santa Maria. We were there for a couple days handling visa paperwork
because I've been in Brazil for about a year now. And we also had the mission
council meeting with all of the zone leaders, sister training leaders, and
President and Sister Parella. I loved being able to pass my P – day there in my
first area. Sister G. and I went to visit some people I taught and knew as
a new missionary. It was incredible!
Santa Maria, I.
I absolutely love seeing everyone
again. It was so cool to see how much I've changed in such a short amount of
time and to remember all of the hard days I had there struggling at the beginning of my mission with the
language and basically, everything. Ha ha. Heavenly Father truly helped me
through it all and comforted me when I needed it.
C.G. and family
Santa Maria is a place I will
always remember. I felt so alone when I was serving there, but I grew so close
to my Savior. He is my true friend, guide, and what I relied on. It was so
funny seeing the people and seeing them get all wide eyed in shock that I could
speak and understand them. It was amazing.
G. and familia
Seeing J., who was baptized,
left me emotional. She looked me straight in the eyes and thanked me for
inviting her to be baptized and for teaching her. She gave me the biggest hug
and we just shed tears of joy together.
What an amazing experience it was for
me. Being a missionary is the best thing ever. Members told me that the whole ward
talks about the "Little American sister who struggled to speak but did
everything with love." I was so amazed at how even though I thought
I wasn't making any difference, the people were touched by my loving them with
my actions. The mission council meeting was good. I'm officially the oldest
sister in the mission, all others have less time. So weird. So sad. Thursday
was our zone conference in Alegrete.
Conferencia de zona
It was so weird giving a trainment during
the conference but neat seeing how the sisters can help teach the elders too.
President Parella turned the time over to us and we gave a trainment about the
Book of Mormon and how we need to use it to teach. I don't remember what I
said, but I know the spirit helped me know what to teach the mission. It was so
nerve-racking teaching in front of half the mission, the assistants, and
President and Sister Parella, but everything went well. So many elders and
sisters complimented us at the end and president said he loved it! So we are
way more calm now, ha ha. I love my calling and this work.
I'm so glad that God
helps us accomplish what we never thought we could do and stretches us to be
more than we are. He knows us so well and knows what we can become with his
help. All we have to do is have faith in him and his plan.
We are teaching tons
of amazing people that should be baptized soon. C. needs to get married so
she and her kids can get baptized. L. too. A. needs to come to church
along with V. and V. Here in southern Brazil, this is the problem -
Marriage, and coming to church. But, we know God will help us to baptize his
children when we follow his ways and plans. I am so grateful for this
time in my life. I love these people with all of my heart. I know God is
helping us and loves us. He so real. I love this gospel.

One of the best missionaries I've ever met.
I loved working with him in Livramento.
Sister Smith-a couple missionary who is so sweet.
The elders I served with in Sao Gabriel
& the elders I arrived with in the mission Elder S. and Elder M..
They are zone leaders & I'm a sister training leader now.
The shoes I threw away this past transfer....
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