This week was soooo cool! I loved being able to go to another country
and see their culture. I. was baptized!!
Ahhh it was so amazing and so spiritual!!!
I love her so much it's insane!
We received transfers this week and I will be staying here in
Uruguaiana with my new companion, Sister Gregatto.
She is from São Paulo and also was trained by the same Sister, Sister
Araújo de Souza. I am way excited to work with her. I met her once in the bus
station and we took a picture haha.
My companion sister Coelho is headed home (Pará) today and it was so
bitter sweet saying goodbye.
Saying goodbye to Sister Coelho!
Our apartment building
I will be heading to Santa Maria today for a leadership meeting and
hope I can see some of the people I taught there. I am loving the missionary
life and hope you all are doing well!!
Journal ~ Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Today we went to Livramento, which is on the border of Uruguay, to help
the elders spread the word about the new chapel that was built. It was so cool
being able to come to Livramento. We got lucky. When we got there, the elders
took us to the apartment we would be staying at. And where did we get to live?
In the elders apartment. They moved out for the week and we are living in their
house. So weird. Elders don't clean properly and it is so strange knowing that
it is their apartment. But it's a place to sleep and we are so excited to be
here to help.
The cool mirror at the elders apartment.
We are here with tons of elders. There are 14 elders and two
sisters….Just us! We joke that Presidente Parella called us to serve with all
of these elders to show them how to work, ha ha. They are all so funny and we
are all such good friends. We spent many hours after arriving in the city at
the park talking to people. It was awesome! We set up pictures and passed out
invites to the chapel open house. I loved it. There was a man, however, who
treated me poorly and said some harsh things. But when this happens, even
though it's tough to hear, I always remember that my Savior had it way worse
and he is always by my side. This gives me the strength and confidence that I
need during hard moments.
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Today we entered Uruguay! There is a border line and we got to cross
it. It was so cool, and so funny.
Livramento & the border!
Gotta love it ~ Uruguay & Brazil!!
A lady said to us, "Buenas Dias" and we all looked at
each other not knowing exactly what to say back…"Uhh...Bom dia!"
Haha. It was hilarious. Knowing Portuguese now, Spanish sound so much different
than it did before the mission. I can understand almost everything that people
say if they talk slowly, and they can understand us too. It seems like it's a
little more difficult for them. The hard part is, we can't respond in their
language. We contacted people the whole day in the park again and talked to so
many people. I don't think I've talked to so many people in one day in my
entire life like we did today. Even the news people interviewed us, it was so
cool! I never thought I would make it onto Brazilian news on the Internet, but
it was way cool speaking into a huge microphone and talking about what we were
doing at the park as missionaries. After the park, I got to teach English class
to a group of people in the new chapel. It was such a neat experience
being able to help them and use language as a way to help them visit the
building and learn more about the church. I love teaching and I had so
much fun with them.
Me teaching English!!! wahooo!!!
Thursday, January 28, 2016
I can't believe that I have been a full-time missionary for one year
1 YEAR!!!! ahhhhh
The time flies way too fast. This year has been the best year of my
entire life.
Xis- sandwiches here that are super
famous. We ate it for my one year mark! SO GOOD!!!!

I accomplished so much this year with my Savior as my companion every
step of the way. I have changed completely. My Heavenly father has molded me
and push me to do hard things that seemed impossible. Nothing is unachievable
with his help. I read my moms email this past week and loved how she reminded
me that God does strange things that don't make sense to us, but because he is
the almighty, it makes sense to him. He had Jesus cure people by spitting on
his hands and touching their eyes. He told Moses to make a snake out of his
staff. He calls us to certain callings, or positions, today that seem
impossible to us. But, when we have full faith in him and rely on his will and
plan for our lives, everything goes right. I have seen this happen this year in
the mission field. I know God wants me to serve in this mission because I
received an answer from him. Even though it scared me, and made me nervous, I
went on my mission knowing he would take care of me because I was doing his
will. With so many struggles, trials, and difficult times, he has been my
support and strength. My closest friend and constant companion. Through it all,
shaping me into the person he wants me to be and knows I can become. With one
year as a missionary, my testimony has been strengthened into a witness. I know
he lives. He is very real. I have felt his love and presence many times. I know
he knows each of us personally and loves us so much more than we can imagine. I
love being his instrument every day, all day. It is an easy, but because he is
a God of miracles, he performs miracles in his own way. I have learned how to
have patience, love, charity, be obedient, have a positive attitude when things
got rough, And so much more. He knows what we need. I love him with all my
heart. He has made me a completely different person. I'm much better, and so
much stronger of a person. I love seeing people and families change completely
because of the truth. The church is true. We have all that we need to be happy
forever. What an amazing year it has been. I could not be more grateful for all
of the people I've met, the experiences I've had, and the help I've received
daily from my Heavenly Father. I've never been so happy.
Friday, January 29, 2016
Today was super cool! We went to the border before lunch with the zone
leaders to visit the chapel in Uruguay.
The chapel with my cute companion
and I at the border!!
When we got to the chapel, Sister Coelho and I spotted some sister
missionaries that were arriving at the chapel! We went to talk to them and
quickly realized that it would be difficult to communicate with them. It was so
funny talking to them in two different languages. Luckily one of the sisters
was American, and so our only way to communicate with them was to have her and
I talk back and forth. Spanish is so different. As we struggle to talk, a whole
group of missionaries showed up at the church building. It was so neat to see
how even though we work in a different country, mission, speak different
languages, the work is the same and we have the same purpose. They are from the
Uruguay, Montevidel West Mission.
Uruguay with the sisters & elders. It was sooo much fun!!
I was sad to not see my cousin, Lexa, but it was so cool. Each mission is so different. I saw how truly the Brazil, Santa Maria mission is exactly the mission for me. I love Brazilians and received more of a confirmation that I am where I am supposed to be.
The elders came to say goodbye to us at the bus station...it was so funny! The trip was a blast!
Uruguay with the sisters & elders. It was sooo much fun!!
I was sad to not see my cousin, Lexa, but it was so cool. Each mission is so different. I saw how truly the Brazil, Santa Maria mission is exactly the mission for me. I love Brazilians and received more of a confirmation that I am where I am supposed to be.
The elders came to say goodbye to us at the bus station...it was so funny! The trip was a blast!
Saturday, January 30, 2016
I. was baptized today!

Even though it was pouring rain, I. had a
desire to walk with us all the way to the church building to be baptized. Very
first time we met I. was in the street. We told her we were missionaries from
the church and that we had a special message about Jesus Christ. She told us
she had already excepted the lessons years ago with elders and told us to pass
by another day. So, we passed by and have been teaching her for a short time.
She had so many doubts about the priesthood and knowing what church really was
true. She always told us that she liked the church she attended, Universal. But
as we taught her and explained to her the gospel, her eyes opened and her heart
changed. Every lesson with her was powerful. The spirit really guided our words
and used us to help her gain a testimony of the truth. She stop smoking and
drinking coffee super fast even though it was hard for her to stop. She needed
to receive a confirmation from God that this church is true and we bore
testimony of the power of prayer. She promised to pray about everything, and
called us while we were in Livramento on Saturday. Que alegria! Sister Coelho
and I hugged each other and screamed for joy. What a miracle and blessing! She never
had been baptized in her life, but when she received a confirmation from God,
she was determined. The baptism was so wonderful. She is so strong and amazing.
Everything went well. What an amazing experience it is to see people change and
to see how their knowledge and testimonies grew since you met them. Being a
missionary really is the most incredible experience and honor. I'm so grateful
for the miracles I've seen. Heavenly Father leads us to those that are prepared
to receive his gospel. I. had already received the missionary lessons, but we
needed to find her that day in the street and teach her the lessons again
during this time in her life when she was more open and willing to do
God's will. This work really is the work of God.
Sunday, January 31, 2016
I. receive the Holy Ghost today in Sacrament meeting. I cannot
express the feelings of joy that came into my heart. Her husband was baptized
when he was young and has been in active ever since. But since we've been
visiting her, he has stopped drinking and came to her baptism and confirmation.
It was so neat seeing the change in him over time. He is returning! E.,
Who had been inactive for years is now over the young man in the ward and
N., who was baptized a week ago, invited her friend and her husband to
come to church to and they came! We are now going to have another family to
baptize. My heart was so full today recognizing the miracles God has given us.
I got emotional singing the sacrament hymn "Assombro me causa," I
stand all amazed. Really I am amazed at all that God does. This gospel is
perfect, and I'm so grateful to be a part of it.
Sister Porter
Cute little lady that gave us lunch.
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