minha família!
off, can I just say that I am in love with Brazil? Seriously, this is the best
mission ever. The best culture ever, and the best people ever. Everything
here is so diferente (seriously, I am on the other side of planet Earth), but
is so wonderful. The people here are so loving and are truly special to me.
week was full of miracles and hard times.
was a Holiday. No one wanted to listen to us and everyone had something going
on. Horrible.
and M.are investigators. We visited them and M's mom was there. She is an
inactive member and basically hates the church. She bashed on our beliefs and
told us she found the truth in her new Faith, the Evantista church....haha One
day she will see
in the streets and scary people
investigator is constantly drunk when we go to visit him. it is heartbreaking
taught a strong Catholic about the Restoration and Book of Mórmon. My Portuguese was better than normal, it was amazing. She testified of the gift of
tongues and told us that she could feel the spirit when I crazy! Miracle.
-J. - Amazing lessons, said she will be baptized, she is continuing to pray and
attend church. We are hoping she will be baptized soon. Just waiting on an
answer from God. She made me bread without milk and gave me a dress from Spain. She is like a mom to me.
My companion was not feeling well and we were asked to speak at a baptism about
the Restoration. I literally taught the whole Restoration to a crowd of people. Words just flowed out of my mouth and the spirit was so strong. I was so amazed
at how much I could say. I was freaking out with my Portuguese, but Heavenly Father is Always helping me. So many ward members came up to me and told me
they were touched and were emotional. I couldn't believe it, with the spirit all
things are possible.
we had so many amazing lessons with her, but this week was diferente. I asked
her a question that the spirit placed in my mind and we found her doubts. I am
starting to recognize how the spirit is speaking to me in Portuguese. It is an
amazing feeling. I testified to her of the power in the Book of Mórmon, how
much the gospel means to me, and why we are here as missionaries to help her.
The spirit was so strong. She asked my age and was so shocked. She told my
companion, "Wow, she suffers a lot doesn't she". Yes, yes I do! This language,
this mission, this everything is not easy haha. but people see how much of my
heart, strength, and soul go into helping them understand our message. It was
an amazing experience.
couldnt feel more grateful for this time in my life. I feel my Saviors love during
the hard times and the good. Last night I had a special experience. I literally
could feel my Savior right beside me. And I cannot deny it. It was such a
calm, peaceful presence. He is REAL. he is Always with us. Even when we
don't see Him. I know that this is His work, and I'm so grateful to be a part of
it. I love you all!!! tchao :)
G. & I in a skirt that an investigator gave my companion hahahaha

Lunch at the G. home with our favorite girl C. :)
conference with my favorite sisters
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