Oi! (Hi) This week was awesome because it
was 20 de Setembro! Dia dos Gaúchos! (Guachos Day) ahh foi muito bom! (ahh
it was very good). The entire world here were riding their horses
yesterday and got all decked out in their gaúcho clothes and had a huge matiada
It was legit. I love this culture so much. 
I also realized that I recieved my mission call a year ago and that I am almost at my halfway mark! Ahhh the time is flying by sooo fast! I remember the overwhelming feelings I had that day. I couldn't even breathe reading my call, but thats ok. haha. I feel so grateful to be where I am right now helping so many people that I wouldnt have even dreamed of meeting a year ago.

I also realized that I recieved my mission call a year ago and that I am almost at my halfway mark! Ahhh the time is flying by sooo fast! I remember the overwhelming feelings I had that day. I couldn't even breathe reading my call, but thats ok. haha. I feel so grateful to be where I am right now helping so many people that I wouldnt have even dreamed of meeting a year ago.
This week we found new families! It was amazing talking
about Gods plan for them and how they can be sealed forever. P. and R. are so special and we are so excited to teach them. E. & R. are still
waiting for their papers, it's killing me. They are such a special family. E.
is someone I know that Heavenly Father needed me to teach. I love her more than
words could ever express. It is amazing to see families come together through
the gospel.
S. & L. are still struggling. He started smoking
again and she is trying so hard to be strong. It breaks my heart. Agency is
such a difficult thing, but such an amazing gift. We taught a woman named
N. She completely accepted everything and accepted to pray about baptism,
but when we came to visit her again, she said she doesnt want to stop smoking
and partying, so won't commit to baptism. ahhhh People are killing me! They won't
leave the world behind. It's sad. L.
is planning on being baptized this comming month. She is so special and things
are going great here! Lots of lessons, lots of running from place to place,
lots of stress, but it's all wonderful!
Ever see the movie The Errand of Angels? ya, well that was
basically my life for the first couple weeks with my companion, but things have
gotten so much better. I love her! She's
amazing and we have a great time together.
This Friday we find out transfers and I'm so nervous. I don't want to leave this area. We have E., L., and S. that will be baptized this next transfer and I'm sick of leaving when they get baptized. haha but I know the Lord will send me where he needs me. I love this work. I love my Savior. There is no place on earth I'd rather be than here in São Gabriel, Brazil. I love you all!
This Friday we find out transfers and I'm so nervous. I don't want to leave this area. We have E., L., and S. that will be baptized this next transfer and I'm sick of leaving when they get baptized. haha but I know the Lord will send me where he needs me. I love this work. I love my Savior. There is no place on earth I'd rather be than here in São Gabriel, Brazil. I love you all!
Minha companheira e eu fazendo serviço na casa da irmã Cristina. foi muito bom! Internacional e grêmio são os teams de futebol aqui no rio grande do sul
(My companion and I doing service in the house of Sister Cristina. It was
very good! International and Guild are football teams here in Rio Grande do Sul.)
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