Oi todos!(Translate~ Hello Everyone).
Thank you so much for the package mommy!!! I LOVE the water bottle and treats.
You're the best :) I hope you are all well and happy! Esta semana foi estranha (Translate ~ This week was strange). Funny:
You're the best :) I hope you are all well and happy! Esta semana foi estranha (Translate ~ This week was strange). Funny:
-We were walking down the street and yep a bird pooped on my head. I don't know where they are coming from!
-R. calls me "a dream" it's starting to creep me out but it's funny
-My mission leader prophesied that I will be a leader and speak the language perfect ha ha
-A man likes our accents so he recorded us...weird
Well, Sister H. left me here in São Gabriel on Tuesday and I worked with a member, G. (19 who's leaving on her mission this week) all day until my companion arrived later that day.
-R. calls me "a dream" it's starting to creep me out but it's funny
-My mission leader prophesied that I will be a leader and speak the language perfect ha ha
-A man likes our accents so he recorded us...weird
Well, Sister H. left me here in São Gabriel on Tuesday and I worked with a member, G. (19 who's leaving on her mission this week) all day until my companion arrived later that day.
It was such an adventure and so hilarious with her as we talked in the pouring rain. We got soaked. literally. it was fun showing her what missionaries do, especially with the full experience in the pouring rain, mud, and cold. my companion, Sister R. arrived early. 
Sister Porter
The first words she said were "I've been waiting here for an hour and a half." Um ya we got there on time, but I immediately thought 'oh no, she's a grump' ha ha The rest of the night I talked to her about our investigators and she just listened. She seemed like she was mad or something. I asked her what's wrong and she laughed and said "you like missionary work, don't you?" ....I responded "Yes, I love this." We have so many people who are ready to be baptized and I am excited to get to work. Do you not like missionary work or something? Is something wrong?" She just said "I am tired and yes, this work is good." Then she was silent the rest of the time. I freaked out inside a little. The first couple days with her were rough but I remembered something my friend Samuel told me when I first came out on the mission. He said to just love my companion even if it seems like she hates me. So that's what I've been doing! and I love her.
(Funny that we cant reach the door bell haha)
She is very quiet but has a sweet spirit. She talks with a very thick accent and we are teaching each other English and Spanish. It's great :) I am grateful for her and this challenge of being a leader here in this area. It's been tough remembering everyone and everything with only 6 weeks, but I know Heavenly Father trusts me and knows I can do it. We have been clapping lots of doors and talking to lots of people. My language has gotten so much better. People literally think I'm from Sao Paulo or the Frontera. It's hilarious. I feel so blessed to have been blessed with the language in 4 months. We have been having lots of family nights with the members and working tons. I love our area! These people know how to do missionary work. This week was so strange leading my companion in our area but we saw so many miracles and moments where the spirit really guided us. Our investigator E. has such a strong testimony of the spirit and constantly is expressing to us the feelings she has. She told my companion that the missionaries taught her before, but when I talk she feels the spirit touch her heart and peace pierce her soul. She knows the gospel is true because she felt the spirit transform her. Sometimes it is hard being a missionary, but when people feel the spirit when we teach and help them, they change, all is well. I am so grateful for this time. I know that E. needed me here. I know I am supposed to be here in this area at this time for a reason. The gospel is true. Only through the spirit can we truly become converted. I love you all!!
(Tea with the investigators)
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