This week we got transfers! I will be serving with sister
Romero from Argentina! Yayyy! Espanol! haha I am so excited to meet her and
work with a Hispanic. I am going to miss my comp so much though. I have learned
so much from her. I am going to miss her whistling in the street, the funny
stares we get, the lessons we teach when neither of us know what they are
saying and we just laugh after, screaming with excitement after amazingly
spiritual lessons, and the way she says "tudo bem" at the top of her
lungs. Every companion is so special and truly meant for that time. I miss Sister A. de S. so much. It's crazy. She is literally like a sister to
me. (mom please tell her I miss her and love her for me).
Our area is amazing. We have amazing branch members who are
returned missionaries and know how to work with us. We have so many family
nights each week with the members and investigators, it's amazing.
G. is a
young woman who is prepping to serve a mission and totally reminds me of myself
before the mission cause she comes with the sisters to lessons a ton to
prepare. The youth here are POWERFUL. Their testimonies are amazing.
Our elders
in our branch are amazing too. They are truly our friends. Elder G. is the
best district leader I've ever had. Every district meeting I learn something
new. He is inspiring and Elder M. is my bud from the MTC, so its so funny
having him in the same place. We play "what are the chances that you do this..."
all the time and teach Elder G.(Bolivian) American jokes. They are a hoot!
I am in the best area.
Funny things that happened this week:
-Our investigator R. wouldn't let go of my hand when I
was shaking it...and called me "Angel face"....sooo weird. Sister
H. and I were dying afterwards haha I get weird comments all the time
-We visited a less active member and asked her if she has
been reading her Book of Mormon. She said "ya! every day" and pulled
out her gospel principles handbook....umm ya....liar
-Our leader of the mission thinks he receives revelation for
our lives...Lets just say our meeting was quite the experience. He petted my
head and told me to never change. Strange people here my friends....strange
people haha
-We were doing contacts in the street and as my companion was
talking a bird totally pooped on her head

We are working with her. It's so special
to help the teens, I love it. L. is also a teen and dating a member in our
branch. She has such a strong testimony and called us this week and told us
that she wants to be baptized next week! So we shall see. R., remember her?
Ya we brought up the word baptism and she got nervous, so we are helping her to
get ready. She is so special and loves reading the Book of Mormon. I love
seeing her because she gets so excited to learn more. E. - she is a miracle.
She stopped drinking coffee, received a testimony of the word of wisdom and now
is preparing to get married and baptized. Her husband is a less active member that
we are working on activating and has the Aaronic priesthood to baptize her. He
is working right now to get the Melchizedek Priesthood. They are sooo special. They
are doing everything to have an eternal family and be sealed in the Porto
Alegre temple. This week we passed by their house and E. said that her
friend was in trouble and needed to move out of her house immediately. So we went
over to the house with her. The woman was in tears and was so distressed. We
started to help and then called the elders to come too. She told us that she
asked E. why she is so happy and what the sisters are doing to her haha and
Enilda told her that she stopped drinking coffee and loves our messages and
knows it's true. The woman, S., said she stopped drinking coffee and told us
that she wanted to learn more. She said she could feel such a calm peaceful
feeling with us there in her home. This experience was amazing. E. is such
a missionary and we are starting to spread the news more and more. This week
was amazing. This time is so special. I love watching the lives of people
change completely and see the light and peace of the gospel enter their lives.
This is true! I know it. This week share your testimony about something with
someone because you never know what could happen. I love you all!!! Tchao!
Sister Porter
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