OI!! I am loving my companion and new area. Everyone is still calling me Sister Potter and everyone stares at me like I'm from outer space (because I'm an American)..haha it's great. Santiago is a great city! We have been studying the Book of Mormon in English and Portuguese and it is a blast helping my companion learn. We laugh a ton and get along really well. This week was tough. The people here are either of the Evangelica or Espirita churches and don't want to listen to us. We talk to everyone and anyone. Trying to find the elect children of God that are prepared and ready, but man, these people are tough cookies. We laugh so hard at how we seem to find the psycho people that don't make any sense and try to preach to us. My companion always says "What the? What is the matter with these people?" haha We have had so many weird experiences this week. People don't want to hear from us when they know we are the Mormon's but it's all good and it's all part of the work. It was really funny this week making contact with people in the street. I always talk to everyone, and naturally assume they aren't members and haven't heard from the missionaries. Wrong! It was so embarrassing this week making contact with members and not knowing that they were already haha. I started talking to someone in the street....: "Hi, how are you? Sorry to interrupt, but we are missionaries from the church...." and my companion: "Hi Brother N."....um ya embarrassing haha. We laughed so hard. Happened to me about 3 times this week.

Caught in the rain!
Another funny thing that happened. A lady thought that I had a sickness and was looking at my eyes and face and then said;"No, you're just white" and compared me to the refrigerator. hahaha How awful! I'm so white and I don't know why.
Our zone
We are working with amazing people. A. P. is an investigator of gold! She loves the lessons and we are so excited to help her and her family. D. is a really special man. He always is at church and loves the sisters. He even bought us lawn chairs so we can teach him outside his house haha. He is this cute old man that really wants to get baptized but can't because of a crime he committed a long time ago. He shot and killed a man. But he has changed through the atonement and is such a powerful example of faith. President Parrella sent a letter to President Monson to ask permission so that he can be baptized, but we dont think he will accept because he willfully killed the man in defense of his life and it's been about a year and a half. We are keeping faith and are excited for the day he will be baptized. This week we were teaching a man about the Plan of Happiness when his wife came in and started yelling at us and asking us a ton of questions. She was arguing with us and was trying to prove us wrong. She was treating us like dirt. It was a horrible feeling. Normally the people here are so welcoming or just reject with respect, but this woman had no respect and was slapping us in the face with her unkind words. I was completely shocked. We left, of course, but I have been thinking a lot about this experience. I've thought of how much more our Savior went through! How many people treated him poorly! My heart hurt hearing her words, but I was reminded that Christ's life wasn't easy and that He was more than rejected. I am so grateful for his sacrifice and love. I can't imagine how He felt. I love you all!
Sister Porter

Shoe shots -Above two pairs died this week and someone lost their teeth in the road.
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