Olá!!! I loved getting wedding invites yesterday! I'm so
happy for Makayla and Amanda. So fun. I still can't believe it's November. The
time flies waaayyy too fast.
Ok, so yep,I got transferred to SANTIAGO!!! Wahooo! I'm so
excited!! I leave tomorrow morning.I totally knew I would be transferred. I
could feel it. My new companion is a Brazilian, Sister Da Silva, and she only
has 3 months in the mission (2 transfers). She is finishing training right now
so she's a newbie! Yay! I'm so excited! I was a little shocked at the transfer
call though, like usual. It will be an amazing experience and one of growth for
sure being her senior companion. Normally Americans in this mission aren't the
senior companions until they have at least a year or so in Brazil (the language
is tough) but I only have 6 months here.
Elder Monhan & I were transferred!
Was so funny that the Americans were the ones leaving haha

The best district ever. These elders were so fun. Gunna miss them.
I don't understand fully the reasons
why things happen in my life, but I know that God has confidence in me and
feels I'm ready even when I feel inadequate.
Guess what else happened? The wedding and baptism didn't go
through. Yep, I pretty much died on Friday. We were way far working in João de
Barro (35 min away walking) and R. called saying that they were missing a
paper for the marriage!!! Ahhhh! they had everything ready, the papers and
everything, but what we didn't know is that the church needed one more paper to
finalize the marriage and make sure it would be recorded. Brazilian laws are
crazy. So they have to wait 15 days to get this paper. It was awful hearing
this. My heart literally broke into a million pieces knowing that I wouldn't be
there for their special day but I know that they will get married and I know
that E. will be baptized. She is so special to me. Parrella and ask him if I could come to their wedding and baptism. It
was so sad but I am eternally grateful to my Heavenly Father for guiding us to
them and for the words the spirit gave us so that they could receive the
gospel. They will be sealed and bless generations. I'm so grateful that I
played a part in their conversion.

I know that I was meant
to find her and teach her. She is truly my sister. I am so excited to see their
pictures. They were so sad hearing that I was leaving that they offered to call
President Parrella and ask him if I could come to their wedding and
baptism. It was so sad but I am eternally grateful to my Heavenly Father for
guiding us to them and for the words the spirit gave us so that they could
receive the gospel. They will be sealed and bless generations. I'm so grateful
that I played a part in their conversion.
This week was tons of running around, teaching, stressing
out, and saying goodbyes.
Sacrament meeting yesterday was so sad. I heard my
name and was asked to bare my testimony. Man, it was hard. I changed so much
here. I am such a stronger missionary and person because of the experiences
I've had here. These gaúchos have touched my life forever. These past 4 months
here were for sure difficult, but so amazing.
I will forever remember the
people I met and the experiences I had here. I feel so blessed to be a part of
this amazing work. I love it. This gospel is the cure to all. Gods plan is
always better than ours. I love how He knows what we need to stretch to become
better and stronger. He is our guide! Let him guide you. I love you all and
hope you have a great week! Vá com Deus!
Sister Porter
P.S. I will travel by bus tomorrow, 4 hours to Santa Maria, stop there for an hour and then 4 hours to Santiago. 8 hours on a bus!! ahhh