Oi Todos!! I am in São Gabriel!!! And lemme tell ya, I am in
LOVE with this place! I am in a dream. everyone has chickens, cows,
horses, pigs, and dogs. I was dying on the bus ride here staring at the rolling
hills and cute little houses. I am in such a small little city. The people are
so humble, have hardly anything, and are so accepting of us missionaries. We
are so blessed here. We have a Ramo (district) instead of a Ward and the members
treat us so special. We have a house. literally a house. Just the 2 of us. 3
bathrooms, 2 bedrooms. The best appartment in the mission and the weather here
is amazing. I couldn't be more happy! My companion is a dream come true! Seriously
prayers have been answered. This week was literally a miracle. Milagres em cada
lugar (miracles everywhere). Seriously.
This week was insane!! When you put 2 American sister missionaries together
that want to work hard, love teaching people, want to talk to everyone about
the gospel, and have the same!
My second day here we got hungry, so we stopped to eat
something on a bench in the front of a house in the street. A lady came
out and asked us what we were doing, was fine with us sitting there, but then
returned later and invited us in her house because it was sprinkling outside.
(hehe we were more than happy that someone actually invited US in for once!).
But as we were talking to her about where we were from, she got a shocked look
on her face. She began to tell us that the night before she had a dream that
she was in the United States and saw a White castle with a woman clothed in all
White that made her feel really calm. We couldnt believe it. My companion
pulled out a picture of the St. George temple and she freaked out and said
"That's the place! That's the castle I saw!" Ahhh! The spirit was so
Strong as we bore our testimonies and explained more about eternal families and
temples. Miracle. It was a testimony to me that Heavenly Father knew that us American
sisters needed to find her that day and that we are together for a special
purpose. We don't speak the language perfect still, but the spirit is guiding
our work. A funny thing that
happened this week was that we got locked out of our house. We tried
everything. Clapping the door of the neighbors, calling the elders, breaking
in, everything. Nothing worked but my companion is always happy and up for an andventure,
so what did we do? We climbed two walls. Ya, in our skirts, with cars driving by,
with our bags. everything. It was sooo funny!
I'm loving this time with her. It is very rare to have two Americans
together in our mission so I know this time won't last long but man, this week
was one of the best weeks of my entire mission. We worked so much and helped so
many people! Our moto is "vamos trabalhar até o pó!" (we will work to the dust). The elders
were so suprised with our numbers this week. They literally asked us how we
taught so many people. We had 8 investigators attend sacrament meeting. It was
awesome. I'm in heaven!
Heavenly Father knows us so well. The mission has taught me
so many things and these past couple months have changed my life forever. I
know this is His work. I love you all!!!
Sister Porter
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