Oi todos!! First off, I have to announce some awesome news.
Our mission president is allowing us to Skype our dads for Brazilian father’s
day!!! AHHH so I can Skype my daddy on August 9th!!! YAY! I am so excited! So
get ready dad :) I will let you know times and everything later.
Health- mommy, this week I have felt sooo much better. I
think the meds are starting to work. I went from having major pain all day
every day to only once a week for a day or two. Heavenly Father is really
blessing me. I know I am supposed to be here. I am doing everything I possibly
can to take care of myself, so I hope I will feel completely better soon. :)
Awesome stuff:
-The little kids here ask us every day to say their name in
Ingles (English) haha it’s so funny.
- I told a lady
that the church was resurrected instead of restored haha The words are so close
in Portuguese.

I have 6 months in the mission tomorrow. I can’t believe how
fast the time is flying. I am living my dream and loving every moment of being
here. The people, the culture, the language, everything. I love being a
missionary. I know that this is the true way to eternal happiness. Always trust
in god’s plan. He knows so much more than we do. Amo
Sister Porter
July 20th, 2015
Tão, first off, last week the computer shut off in the middle of me typing so I didnt get to read or respond to a lot of things, but thank you all who wrote me an email or letter! I always print them out & read them on P-days -they mean so much. It is so hard in the mission to respond, but always know that I read, appreciate, & love every email I receive, so thank you!!! Thank you tons for your emails. I can't wait to read them. Health- Tiamina is not a disease! haha it is an allergy. Sister P. said that it is in flour, peanuts, milk, oil, etc. but she didnt say I have it for sure. I haven't been saying anything about my health because I honestly still don't know what's wrong. I have headaches constantly whether I eat fruit all day or not. The doctor just said I have Enxaqueca which is a constant headache that doesn't go away unless you take meds and he gave me medicine. I really don't know what to do because I constantly have headaches and I'm constantly in pain. I take medicine every night but it doesn't do much. I'm taking it for 4 months and the doctor said it will work slowly. The medicine here isn't very strong. I used to take the Advil I brought from home and it worked great, but I don't have any more. So I bought Ibrofen at the store. So mom, I don't know what to do. I still have headaches, but I just work through the pain every day. Sounds sad, but it's true. There are some days I feel better than others but I am trying everything I possibly can. Advice and help would be nice!I am in love with São Gabriel still. The people are so sweet and such cowboys. People just ride their horses around all day and wear their funny gaúcho clothes. I love this country! I love walking to lessons with horses, cows and chickens in the middle of the street and seeing people just sitting outside drinking chimarrão and talking to their neighbors. This cutlure is awesome! The people here kiss eachother on 2 cheeks....kinda different. and I still have to tell the men that they can't kiss a sister missionary. Kinda awkard still, but necessary.This week was great, we had so many amazing experiences!! We are teaching so many people. Our investigators are golden. We have so many families that need to get married, baptized and sealed in the temple. It was so amazing this week teaching about the Plan of Salvation and the power of temples. We are so lucky as latter day saints to have the knowledge that we are going to live again and that we can live with our families forever!! Que Legal! We taught a family about the temple this week and they immediately said they will be baptized and know that the church is true. We regualary meet with a recent convert, N. and I love seeing how the gospel literally changes lives. I love seeing the light that comes into the eyes of people as they gain a love for the scriptures. She gets so excited every time we read the scriptures with her and loves singing hymns with us.This gospel is joy and happiness! There is no greater joy than being a missionary. I love bearing my testimony every day in every hour. This is his work. God is the same yesterday today and forever. He is continuing his work here on earth and still speaks to us! I love him. I love this gospel. Keep praying and keep trying!! Te amo!!!
Sister Porter