OI do Santa Maria!
Wow, I cannot believe this week went by so fast! This week
was so crazy. I am pretty sure my brain lit on fire and blew up every single
day. The language is so hard to understand and speak, but I'm getting better.
It is so difficult because my companhiera is from Brasil Norte and has a
different accent than the Southern people. And they talk soooo fast haha. The members
and my companhiera say I am doing so well for a first weeker, but it is soooo frustrating
and difficult. But I know and have faith that I will be able to communicate
with these people fully one day. I absolutely ADORE Brazilians. They are
totally my kind of people. I love them so much.
This week was tough. I had some discouraging moments. But I
learned so much through the difficulties and have progressed so much in such a
little time. I continue to speak Portuguese all day with my companhiera, eat
the best food in the world (literally we get churrascaria every day for lunch
with members), and enjoy the culture difference here. Everyone treats you like
family, its amazing.They give us missionaries the best they have. Even when
they have nothing. My heart was so full when our sweet 73 year old investigator
left her house and got us biscuts and cake. She has nothing. But made me
realize that these people give us anything and everything they have because of
the joy the message of the gospel brings to them.
We had an actividade na igreja this week and I loved seeing
the Brazilian culture!! Everyone is so loud and they all love dancing and
music. haha totally my people ;)

Sister Porter
You would love Brazil. The people are so amazing. The food is so healthy too. Their dessert is
literally fruit salad. My Portuguese has improved so much! I actually understand
almost anyone. I just have a hard time replying because of my limited
vocabulary but I talk to my comp all day and I understand her and she
understands me. So its good. It is just so hard for me to not be able to fully
express testimony or help the people fully yet but there is great power in a smile
and in service.
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