I wanted to send you my journal to tell you how my week has been. I love you so much!!! -Sister Porter
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Today was my last Sunday/day in Uruguaiana. Man, it was tough leaving. All of the people that I love teaching, and getting to know, came to church today. We about died when V. and V. showed up at the church. They always told us that they would come to church, but never did until today! It was so hard saying goodbye. It always is.I learned so much in this area. Uruguiana will always have a special place in my heart. I learned how to be more confident and to be an example to others. I love going on divisions with the sisters and learning from them. I love teaching at zone conferences and district meetings. Heavenly Father knows what we need to do to become what He wants. The mission is so amazing and full of learning experiences. We grow so much.
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Today I traveled to Santa Maria with the other sister, sister Bahmad. She will also be training. There are four missionaries who arrived today from the MTC. -Two elders, and two sisters. We don't know who our new companions are, but we are so anxious. We saw the names on the hotel list and I can only remember one - Sister Vicente. I have a feeling like she will be my new companion, but we shall see. It is way fun knowing that I arrived here in Brazil one year ago and now I'm going to be training instead of being the trainee. We change so much. What a blessing this is for me.
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Today we received our new missionaries! One Peruvian, and a Brazilian, arrived and I had no idea who my new companion would be. We had a meeting with President Parella before we found out and he let us know things we need to do as trainers. It was so neat to hear how much he appreciates our efforts as missionaries and how the "Lord chooses the best missionaries to train". His words were so loving towards us. We then went into the other room to meet the new missionaries. They were talking to Sister Parella about health. I immediately knew who my companion would be. Just looking at her, I could feel it. President Parella called the sisters to the front and started with me. He said, "Sister Porter will be opening an area in Rosarío do Sul. She will be serving with…" (he paused for a long time)... It nearly killed me! I was dying to know. I could almost hear him saying her name, and what do you know, he said it! "Sister Vicente!" I knew it! I was beyond thrilled! We both hugged each other and she whispered to me, "I knew it was you."

We both could feel it before he even said it. I was so happy. She's so cute and sweet. Her name is R. S. Vicente and is from the northeast part of Brazil. She has a super cool accent and I love her already. She's a little shy and is such a sweetheart. She is a convert to the church. She found the church with her family when she was 11 years old. She's 21 now and has such a strong testimony. We laugh a lot. I'm so excited and grateful to be her trainer.

We arrived in our area to find that the elders didn't use the area book properly and didn't work how they were supposed to be in the area, so we are starting with nothing. I know Heavenly Father will guide us to the people who are ready for us. We are living in the home of the couple missionaries.
It is such a nice home, we are so lucky. I feel like in Uruguaiana I was living in the jungle and camping out every day. Now, our house is super nice and modern. It's by far the nicest, cleanest, and biggest house in the mission. I'm feeling so blessed. I think I will finish my mission here with Sister Vicente. I'm so excited to work like crazy and talk to everyone.
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Our mission leader from the branch, along with his wife, drove us around the area to meet the members and to familiarize ourselves with the area. I couldn't believe how much he was willing to help us. We got addresses and some references from the members and I couldn't have felt more blessed to have our mission leader, who dropped everything he was doing, help us. It was such a comfort to me with all of the stress that I was feeling in opening an area, training someone, and not knowing anyone or anything about the city. The area is so beautiful with tons of cows and horses and wide open fields of grass. I'm so grateful for this opportunity to grow and learn by doing difficult things.
Friday, April 22, 2016
Present Parella called and said that no one knows how to play the piano and that the stake needs someone to play for stake conference on Sunday and for a meeting on Saturday in Sao Gabriel. He said he designated me as a pianist. Man, I felt super stressed and explained to him that I haven't practiced in a long time (like a year ago) and that it wouldn't be very good. But, I am the only person who knows how to play and so I was assigned to play for all of the sessions and for the stake choir. Talk about nerves and stress! But I know my Heavenly Father will help me. I have been super stressed with everything.
The elders didn't do anything in this new area and we didn't have anyone to teach. It just made our work harder. But, we talk to everyone today and clapped a ton of doors. We found a family that had been looking for the true church and we saw the hand of God helping and guiding us. My companion is so sweet. She gets all nervous when we teach and talk to people in the street. I remember being the same way. She gets so nervous during the lessons too. After our first lesson together, she was so sweet and cute. She got all happy and said, "Wow! Sister Porter! That lesson was amazing! The spirit was so strong. You should make the District videos or something!" Haha it was so funny. As missionaries, we get used to the spirit guiding our words and actions to the point that it's normal when a lesson goes well. After every contact I made in the street, she would look at me like I was from another planet and say, "Wow, that was perfect! You got to teach me how you do that!" Haha.
She is so ready to learn. I love her soooo much. I know we are going to get along super well. She is like the Brazilian Brianne - super sweet, gentle, and fun.
Saturday, April 23, 2016
Today we drove to Sao Gabriel for stake conference. Ahh! I was dying because I love the city so much. I served there for 4 1/2 months and couldn't wait to see all of the members again. I played the piano at the meetings and saw a E. and R. afterwards. I totally got emotional hugging her again. She was married, baptized, is strong in the church (attends every Sunday), works in the primary, bore her testimony in Sacrament meeting, gave a talk, and is preparing to be sealed with her family in December. My happiness could not have been more complete. Everyone was dying that I returned and it was pure joy hugging them all again.
We slept at the sisters home… On the ground! It was quite an experience. They didn't have mattresses for us, so we just slept on the floor. It wasn't cool. My back is killing me and I feel like I'm 90 years old. But it was a funny experience all the same.
Sunday, April 24, 2016
I played the piano at stake conference! I definitely came out of my comfort zone on this one. Everything went well because of the many prayers I said. Through our Savior, all things are possible. I know He blessed me to be able to play for these people. I'm learning so much.
Today was my last Sunday/day in Uruguaiana. Man, it was tough leaving. All of the people that I love teaching, and getting to know, came to church today. We about died when V. and V. showed up at the church. They always told us that they would come to church, but never did until today! It was so hard saying goodbye. It always is.I learned so much in this area. Uruguiana will always have a special place in my heart. I learned how to be more confident and to be an example to others. I love going on divisions with the sisters and learning from them. I love teaching at zone conferences and district meetings. Heavenly Father knows what we need to do to become what He wants. The mission is so amazing and full of learning experiences. We grow so much.
The woman who made me a dress
Today I traveled to Santa Maria with the other sister, sister Bahmad. She will also be training. There are four missionaries who arrived today from the MTC. -Two elders, and two sisters. We don't know who our new companions are, but we are so anxious. We saw the names on the hotel list and I can only remember one - Sister Vicente. I have a feeling like she will be my new companion, but we shall see. It is way fun knowing that I arrived here in Brazil one year ago and now I'm going to be training instead of being the trainee. We change so much. What a blessing this is for me.
Sister Bahmad and I on the bus -
(feeling super tired) heading to Santa Maria.
It was hilarious cause the man turned the lights on
and we both woke up and looked at each other with this facial expression hahaha
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Today we received our new missionaries! One Peruvian, and a Brazilian, arrived and I had no idea who my new companion would be. We had a meeting with President Parella before we found out and he let us know things we need to do as trainers. It was so neat to hear how much he appreciates our efforts as missionaries and how the "Lord chooses the best missionaries to train". His words were so loving towards us. We then went into the other room to meet the new missionaries. They were talking to Sister Parella about health. I immediately knew who my companion would be. Just looking at her, I could feel it. President Parella called the sisters to the front and started with me. He said, "Sister Porter will be opening an area in Rosarío do Sul. She will be serving with…" (he paused for a long time)... It nearly killed me! I was dying to know. I could almost hear him saying her name, and what do you know, he said it! "Sister Vicente!" I knew it! I was beyond thrilled! We both hugged each other and she whispered to me, "I knew it was you."

We both could feel it before he even said it. I was so happy. She's so cute and sweet. Her name is R. S. Vicente and is from the northeast part of Brazil. She has a super cool accent and I love her already. She's a little shy and is such a sweetheart. She is a convert to the church. She found the church with her family when she was 11 years old. She's 21 now and has such a strong testimony. We laugh a lot. I'm so excited and grateful to be her trainer.

We arrived in our area to find that the elders didn't use the area book properly and didn't work how they were supposed to be in the area, so we are starting with nothing. I know Heavenly Father will guide us to the people who are ready for us. We are living in the home of the couple missionaries.
It is such a nice home, we are so lucky. I feel like in Uruguaiana I was living in the jungle and camping out every day. Now, our house is super nice and modern. It's by far the nicest, cleanest, and biggest house in the mission. I'm feeling so blessed. I think I will finish my mission here with Sister Vicente. I'm so excited to work like crazy and talk to everyone.
Our mission leader from the branch, along with his wife, drove us around the area to meet the members and to familiarize ourselves with the area. I couldn't believe how much he was willing to help us. We got addresses and some references from the members and I couldn't have felt more blessed to have our mission leader, who dropped everything he was doing, help us. It was such a comfort to me with all of the stress that I was feeling in opening an area, training someone, and not knowing anyone or anything about the city. The area is so beautiful with tons of cows and horses and wide open fields of grass. I'm so grateful for this opportunity to grow and learn by doing difficult things.
Friday, April 22, 2016
Present Parella called and said that no one knows how to play the piano and that the stake needs someone to play for stake conference on Sunday and for a meeting on Saturday in Sao Gabriel. He said he designated me as a pianist. Man, I felt super stressed and explained to him that I haven't practiced in a long time (like a year ago) and that it wouldn't be very good. But, I am the only person who knows how to play and so I was assigned to play for all of the sessions and for the stake choir. Talk about nerves and stress! But I know my Heavenly Father will help me. I have been super stressed with everything.
The elders didn't do anything in this new area and we didn't have anyone to teach. It just made our work harder. But, we talk to everyone today and clapped a ton of doors. We found a family that had been looking for the true church and we saw the hand of God helping and guiding us. My companion is so sweet. She gets all nervous when we teach and talk to people in the street. I remember being the same way. She gets so nervous during the lessons too. After our first lesson together, she was so sweet and cute. She got all happy and said, "Wow! Sister Porter! That lesson was amazing! The spirit was so strong. You should make the District videos or something!" Haha it was so funny. As missionaries, we get used to the spirit guiding our words and actions to the point that it's normal when a lesson goes well. After every contact I made in the street, she would look at me like I was from another planet and say, "Wow, that was perfect! You got to teach me how you do that!" Haha.
She is so ready to learn. I love her soooo much. I know we are going to get along super well. She is like the Brazilian Brianne - super sweet, gentle, and fun.
Saturday, April 23, 2016
Today we drove to Sao Gabriel for stake conference. Ahh! I was dying because I love the city so much. I served there for 4 1/2 months and couldn't wait to see all of the members again. I played the piano at the meetings and saw a E. and R. afterwards. I totally got emotional hugging her again. She was married, baptized, is strong in the church (attends every Sunday), works in the primary, bore her testimony in Sacrament meeting, gave a talk, and is preparing to be sealed with her family in December. My happiness could not have been more complete. Everyone was dying that I returned and it was pure joy hugging them all again.
Sunday, April 24, 2016
I played the piano at stake conference! I definitely came out of my comfort zone on this one. Everything went well because of the many prayers I said. Through our Savior, all things are possible. I know He blessed me to be able to play for these people. I'm learning so much.