This is part of my journal entry from the day I opened my mission call!!
Friday September 19, 2014
Today my mission call came in the mail!! I was dying for it to come all week and it finally came! My mom texted me a picture of my call packet while I was at work, and I literally started tearing up. I was so happy, I've been waiting for this day for my entire life! When I got home, I couldn't believe that MY call was sitting on the counter waiting to be opened. I have been so use to going to others mission call openings, or my siblings, that it didn't occur to me that I would actually be opening mine! It was crazy knowing that the letter had my name on it and would change my life forever. As people began to come over, my heart was beating so hard and I was shaking like crazy. Everything seemed so unreal and almost like a dream. Then, the time came to actually read it. My heart was racing as I bore my testimony of my Savior and how I know the church is true. Then, I began to read! " Dear Sister Porter: You are hereby called to serve as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. You are assigned to labor in the Brazil, Santa Maria Mission. It is anticipated that you will serve for a period of 18 months. You should report to the Brazil Missionary Training Center on Wednesday, January 28th, 2015. You will prepare to preach the gospel in the Portuguese language." I was in shock. I did not expect Brazil, but I immediately felt completely calm and happy. I KNOW that Brazil is where Heavenly Father needs me. My heart was full of joy that I can't even fully express in words! My mission is perfect for me in every way. It was a testimony to me that my Heavenly Father knows me personally and more than I know myself. I'm so excited for this experience to share my testimony and love of the gospel with the people in Brazil! I cannot wait to serve! My heart is full.
I couldn't believe I was called to Brazil!!

My parents have always expressed their love for the people in their mission and I know they would not be the same without serving their missions. They love the gospel and have always taught me to be a missionary.
My friends Rex and Adam are leaving a month before me to their missions in Peru and Finland. Most of my friends are guys, so it is going to be so fun serving alongside my pals from high school!
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